Plan - Rhetoric Terms

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A deliberative process is meant to be administered or enforced over a period of time to solve particular ills and needs within a culture. On a national level, this process usually involves presidents, the president’s cabinet members, and Congress. On a regional level, discussions between mayors, treasurers, and city council members take place to find what is best for the city or region. In some cases, the public is allowed to participate in these deliberations. 

 Flip through the Plan flash cards and then practice applying these terms with the political cartoon below.

Title: Uncle Sam's Pet Pups! Or, Mother Bank's Last Refuge

Publisher: n/a

Illustrator: Robert H. Elton

Date: 1840

Context: The Jackson and Van Buren Era was a time of transition in the American economy. America had transformed itself into a market economy, in which the production of goods as well as their prices were unregulated by the government. The back-to-back administrations of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren attempted to destroy the Bank of the United States. William Henry Harrison campaigned on the promise of reestablishing the bank and providing Mother Bank with a refuge. Here is an interactive political cartoon from the Library of Congress to explore this topic further.  

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